What's a defibrillator?

Views: 1421 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-08-17 Origin: Site

The defibrillator is one of the most important medical breakthroughs in modern history. These amazing portable machines are able to restart a heart in cardiac arrest. Installing a defibrillator in your health care clinic, store, public swimming pool, or other public place can help you save your life.

Unfortunately, defibrillators are one of the things that many people don't realize their workplace is missing until they need them. Cardiac arrest is a serious threat, and in many cases, having an AED (automated External defibrillator) on hand can save someone's life.

What kind of defibrillator does it have?

According to the different defibrillation waveform, modern defibrillators are divided into two types, namely unidirectional type and bidirectional type. A unidirectional wave is a half orthoceptive wave, and a bidirectional wave is a complete orthoceptive wave. The advantage of bidirectional wave is that after the unidirectional wave ends the heart interference clutter, it gives a directional conductive wave. The conductive wave is close to the normal electrical signal of the heart, so it can stimulate the normal work of the heart more effectively.

What is an AED?

Automated External Defibrillator (Automated External Defibrillator), portable, easy to operate, and ready to be used with minimal training, is designed for onsite first aid, and in a sense, the AED is not only a first aid device, but a new concept of first aid. The concept of early and effective first aid by a witness on the scene. Unlike traditional defibrillators, an AED can be analyzed by a built-in computer to determine whether a patient needs electrical defibrillation. During defibrillation, AED voice prompt and screen display make operation easier.

Why do patients with heart disease need AED defibrillators?

When a heart attack goes into full cardiac arrest, the heart muscle often experiences uncoordinated electrical activity called heart fibrillation, in which the heart cannot effectively contract and pump blood. An AED defibrillator sends an electric current into the heart, briefly controlling the contraction of the heart muscle and stopping all electrical activity, giving the heart a chance to resume an effective heartbeat.

Will an AED defibrillator save the life of a cardiac arrest patient?

An AED is only suitable for patients with ventricular fibrillation, a completely irregular heartbeat. Non-ventricular fibrillation patients do not respond to electric shocks and still need medication and assisted breathing. For cardiac arrest of more than a few minutes, especially if CPR is not performed in time, the success rate of AED defibrillators is greatly reduced.

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Defi5 Medical Portable AED Automated External Defibrillator is a very important medical equipment in life resuscitation and plays a very important role in medical activities. This product is mainly used for rescuing cardiac arrest, using medical defibrillator to release high voltage current through the chest wall of the patient to the heart instantly, so that the myocardial cells of the patient are depolarized instantly, resulting in the abnormal reentry of the arrhythmia or ectopia of the excited focus of the patient, and the recovery of sinus rhythm. When accidents occur outdoors, patients can be treated in time to reduce the probability of accidents caused by sudden cardiac arrest.

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