Does the morgue freeze bodies?

Views: 1545 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2021-08-03 Origin: Site

The death of someone you love is a traumatic experience. It's time to move on. It's time to comfort the family. Once the relatives of the deceased arrive, the funeral process can begin. However, the importance of the morgue cabinet must be emphasized. The morgue is mainly used to store the dead awaiting identification. Sometimes autopsies or autopsies are needed, and mortuaries become indispensable. However, bodies can be stored anywhere from a few weeks to a few hours. Morgue cabinets or body freezer services prevent decay, which is why all modern health care providers have a freezer with a morgue freezer inside. With the widespread use of these refrigerators, many morgues have incorporated a number of features that enhance the availability of these morgues. The body can be preserved longer.

A morgue refrigerator is a cryogenic cabinet in which a body can be stored for a short or long period of time. A morgue freezer is a cryogenic freezer used for the short or long term preservation of bodies. Such body freezers are used in hospitals, railways, airports, relief battalions and the military. These refrigerator are known by many names, such as morgue refrigerator, morgue refrigerator, body storage refrigerator, etc. Usually the temperature of morgue cabinets is kept between 5 and 6 degrees Celsius, but some bodies are also kept below zero temperature, about -10 degrees Celsius, once they start to age.

Morgue refrigerator are usually available in a variety of styles, from one to six. In general, these cabinets are very energy efficient and have good cooling properties that do not deform over time. Cryogenic body freezers are stainless steel freezers that help preserve the body without decay. The body freezer is made of solid material and has a double layer structure to prevent any odors from being emitted. The temperature in the body freezer ranges from 2 ° C to -15 ° C and does not give off any unpleasant smells. The body freezer has a digital temperature indicator and controller that automatically changes the temperature according to the body's needs.

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The body must be preserved for a long time with the help of a frozen ambulance or a box. The freezer will allow everyone to have a final meeting with the dead person to keep things fresh. With the widespread use of these refrigerators, many morgues have incorporated a number of features that enhance the availability of these morgues. The body can be preserved longer.

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